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HomeHealthMainstream Media Begins Pushing C19 Panic Just In Time For The Fall...

Mainstream Media Begins Pushing C19 Panic Just In Time For The Fall Flu Season

Mainstream media has been pushing C19 fear and panic yet again, just in time for the fall season. Grade school and college are almost all back in session, football season is resuming, and leaves will begin to fall in a very short period of time.

With all of those aforementioned things happening, the weather will also begin to cool off from the very hot summer much of the United States has been experiencing. This will bring about the flu season that happens every year, except for the one year when it took a “vacation” according to several health experts.

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This is the perfect time for mainstream media to push C19 panic, citing a brand new variant that requires a new version of the shot to combat it. Rumor has it that there will also be a resurgence of mask and shot mandates on airlines and certain public places.

In written and video reports from the mainstream media, they worry that the American people will not want to comply with C19 regulations. They are most likely right. This is why fear and panic will be the name of the game from the media and politicians as fall descends upon the Northern Hemisphere.


A New Covid Variant ‘Eris’ Is Dominant in the U.S.: What to Know – WSJ

What the new Covid-19 surge really means – POLITICO

Should people be worried about a summer Covid-19 surge? CNN’s medical analyst explains | CNN

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