The City of Miami Beach has released a video discouraging rabble-rousers from descending upon the beach for Spring Break. The video starts with a tongue-in-cheek breakup speech that would typically happen at the end of two people dating. Toward the end, people in the video outline how Miami Beach will crack down on crime for Spring Break. Heavy parking fines, enforcement for drugs & alcohol, and other things are part of the city’s plan to control crime on the beach. This comes after years of problems caused by misbehaving tourists. Offenses ranging from mundane things like parking violations to shootings have unfortunately become the norm for Spring Break in Miami.
Spring Break Breakup – City of Miami Beach
Miami Beach Is Done With Spring Breakers: ‘It’s Not Us. It’s You.’ – The New York Times
Sunny Miami Beach Is ‘Breaking Up’ With Spring Break – Videos from The Weather Channel
Miami Beach v spring break: revelers and residents mourn city’s restrictions | Miami | The Guardian
Spring breakers’ party in South Beach was tamed and Ocean Drive was empty by 2 a.m.
Spring break begins in South Beach during police crackdown | Miami Herald
Police crack down on Spring Break in Miami Beach – YouTube
Lauderdale fears Miami Beach spring break rejects might head north | Fred Grimm – Sun Sentinel