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HomeOpinionNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo Resigns After Scandals

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Resigns After Scandals

Embattled New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has resigned after several scandals involving himself in the past few months, possibly years. The most recent scandal, and probably the one that broke the proverbial camel’s back, centered around sexual harassment. Several women came forward to accuse the Governor of inappropriate touching and kissing. Cuomo maintains that he has done nothing wrong while actually admitting to some of the alleged acts.

Cuomo’s defense against claims of sexual harassment is that he is Italian. He says his affection is cultural and misunderstood as harassment. This defense is obviously not a very good one considering Cuomo’s participation in the “me too” movement. That particular movement is not known for giving much room for nuance when it comes to sexual harassment or assault allegations. One of their mantras is “believe all women”. Cuomo used the sword of “me too” back in 2018 against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation process. That same weapon is now forged against Cuomo himself.

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Critics of the soon-to-be-former Governor say that his resignation should have come a long time ago. Some will even go further by saying there should be criminal charges levied against him. The issue of sexual harassment is one thing. But there is, of course, another major scandal that should not be overlooked. And that is the nursing home debacle that resulted in the deaths of up to thousands of seniors unnecessarily. Cuomo’s policy was to place virus-positive patients into nursing homes with non-positive patients. This, of course, caused nursing homes across the state of New York to become racked with an internal pandemic. Fox News weather anchor Janice Dean, among many others, lost both of her in-laws. Cuomo’s handling of the virus when it comes to seniors was completely disastrous and unforgivable.

Andrew Cuomo has no excuses when it comes to the nursing home scandal. He cannot complain about the overcrowding of hospitals or the lack of direction. American citizens knew that seniors were the most negatively impacted by the virus. This information was known early on. The absolute worst place to place virus-positive patients is inside of a nursing home. They would have fared better at home if hospitals were filled up. Furthermore, Cuomo was given every resource available. Trump sent a 1,200-bed hospital ship to the Hudson River and it went largely unused. Around 20 or so patients were treated on the massive, fully-staffed ship.

Mainstream media, the film industry, academia, the book industry, and other bourgeoise organizations praised Cuomo like Jesus Christ during the pandemic. Cuomo received an Emmy Award for his daily virus updates that he aired on television in New York. He also received a book deal worth between 4 and 5 million dollars. Andrew got to experience playful moments on-air with his CNN host brother Chris. Don Lemon even commented how he has sort of a crush on the Governor. It seemed like every leftist organization in the country was on Andrew Cuomo’s side. Especially when he bashed Donald Trump or anyone on the left. Now that his usefulness has expired amidst all of these scandals, he has been discarded. Which is all too typical of the left.

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Andrew Cuomo Resignation: Live News Updates – The New York Times

Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigns over sexual harassment allegations

August 10, 2021 Andrew Cuomo news

Independent Investigators Find Governor Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women, Violated State and Federal Laws | New York State Attorney General

Cuomo’s nursing home fiasco shows the ethical perils of policymaking

USNS Comfort Hospital Ship Was Supposed to Aid New York. It Has 3 Patients. – The New York Times

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo To Receive Emmy Award For His COVID-19 Briefings : Coronavirus Updates : NPR

Cuomo Set to Receive $5.1 Million From Pandemic Book Deal – The New York Times

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