Andrew Torba, the CEO of the social media platform “Gab,” says the Trump shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, had an account with them. The account has only nine posts, and it was last active in 2021. While Torba cannot say with 100% certainty that this account does, in fact, belong to Crooks, he did have suspicion enough to deliver a few posts online showing evidence of his opinion. All the posts from the account were very pro-Biden, pro-leftist in general, and anti-Trump. This flies in the face of the media narrative that Crooks is a registered Republican; therefore, he must be a conservative person. Someone can register with whatever party they choose, as there is no way to tell if someone is being genuine. Crooks never voted and had only contributed a small amount of money to a Democratic PAC.
Trump gunman Thomas Crooks used Gab to ‘support’ Biden: CEO
Trump shooter Thomas Crooks’ likely social media account he used to support Biden found – World News
Grab CEO makes big claim about Trump shooter: Thomas Crooks likely had pro-Biden account ‘on our platform’ – Hindustan Times