Wednesday, December 18, 2024
HomeOpinionThousands Protest In Cuba Over Deplorable Conditions, Communist Government

Thousands Protest In Cuba Over Deplorable Conditions, Communist Government

Cuba has erupted into nationwide protests due to the deplorable conditions of the country and ineffective Government. The Biden Administration released a statement in support of peaceful protesting. The White House included the pandemic as an aggravating factor causing the protests. While the virus may be a factor, it is most certainly very far from the factor. Cuba has been under communist rule for many years now and their people have had enough.

Reaction from mainstream media has been a mixed bag of outright lies and direct truths. The New York Times posted a summary from their article about the Cuban protests on Twitter. Their lead statement in the tweet was both true and also misleading. Cubans did shout “freedom” and other slogans during their anti-government protest, but for New York Times labeled the word “freedom” as anti-government. In the context of Cuba, “freedom” is anti-Government. The problem is that some on the far left would say the same thing about the United States. Clarification is needed.

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Communism is the actual problem here. That appears to be the elephant in the room major media outlets and even the Biden administration are failing to address. Cubans in Cuba and also in South Florida understand that the United States “blockade” (which is not a blockade) isn’t to blame. Yes, food and medicine are in limited supply in Cuba, and that is part of what’s fueling protests. But the true culprit is failed Communist Government of Cuba.


Cuba: Thousands Nationwide Take Streets Against Communism

Biden backs anti-government protests in Cuba – Axios

Cuba protests: Cubans take to streets in rare demonstrations over lack of freedoms and worsening economy – CNN

Mexico president calls for end to Cuba trade embargo after protests | Reuters

Cuba’s Raul Castro confirms he’s stepping down as head of Communist Party

United States embargo against Cuba – Wikipedia

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