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HomePoliticsTulsa, Oklahoma Trump Rally RECAP (6.20.20): Epic Trump Performance!

Tulsa, Oklahoma Trump Rally RECAP (6.20.20): Epic Trump Performance!

President Donald Trump held one of his infamous rallies in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday, June 20th, 2020. It was the first rally since the virus shutdowns, which has been at least three months of realtime.

Controversy is King

Controversy hit the rally long before it even took place. Criticism about large crows congregating inside was a big issue all over the mainstream media. Although no such controversy seems to surround any of the so-called “peaceful protests” across the nation. There was also an issue with the location and original date of the rally which was Friday, June 19th in Tulsa. The date was an issue because of the unofficial black holiday “Juneteenth” which is symbolic of the end of slavery. The location was an issue because Tulsa is where the infamous race riot happened that destroyed “Black Wallstreet.”

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Controversy continued to follow the rally. As people began to line up outside of the arena in Tulsa, days before the event, there was a random curfew order issued. People were forced to leave. On the day of the rally, so-called “peaceful” protesters (anarchists) showed up in droves.

There were more protesters at the Trump rally than Biden rally attendees. The protesters jammed up entry points to the event, thereby causing security measures to take longer than they should, which prevented a lot of people from entering the rally. Trump was hit by the media for not totally filling the arena, but they didn’t say why. And if he did totally fill the arena, then that would be a problem as well due to the virus.

Chinese Interference?

AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) bragged about “zoomers” (young people) on TikTok organizing a protest of their own. The protest was actually led by a white grandmother somewhere in America, but that’s a different story. The objective of the “protest” was for kids to rush the Trump campaign website and sign up for a bunch of free tickets and then not show up.

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Over one million people “reserved” tickets for the event although the arena only holds about 10 to 20,000. It’s not clear how many tickets the kids reserved, but it doesn’t actually matter. Trump rally tickets only provide data to the campaign like phone number, location, email, etc. Everything is on a first-come, first-serve basis when it comes to entry. No assigned seating.

Its interesting that AOC would brag about TikTok’s involvement attempting to cook the attendance numbers books of a sitting US President’s rally. Something like that could potentially be illegal, if you ask the right lawyer. There is also the obvious issue with voting by mail that this brings up. If a sitting Congresswoman encourages young people to cheat when it comes to an election campaign rally, why wouldn’t she also encourage them to cheat when it comes to voting by mail or voting electronically? That doesn’t seem like a giant Quantum Leap to take.

Hilarious Delivery of Serious Issues

Diamond and Silk and Mike Pence spoke before Trump and they all did well. But Trump was the star of the show. He started his speech right around 8pm Eastern time and finished close to 10pm eastern time. Trump only paused once for a brief sip of water, then threw the cup of water off of the stage afterward. It was a truly brilliant performance. News media complain about the subject matter in the speech, as always, but it’s impossible to be truthful and criticize the physical performance he put on.

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Key issues of the day were addressed in Trump’s speech. He spoke of reopening the nation and getting back to work, which is an obvious thing on the mind of most Americans. Especially those who are still unemployed or potentially filing for unemployment soon. Trump also addressed the fiasco happening right now in Seattle with the CHAZ/CHOP area. He says that we should watch that fall apart on its own and leave it to the local authorities to handle if they want to handle it.

Trump spoke of the destruction of statues across the nation as a disgraceful thing, which it is. Mainstream media types may want to attack him for saying that, accusing him of defending Confederates. But most logically-thinking people understand that the desecration of statues has long since stopped being about Confederates. It’s simply about destroying American history and then rebuilding it to the standards of the destroyers. Similar to how Muslim conquest happens in the Middle East. Constantinople becomes Istanbul. What will Washington State and Washington DC become? Who knows.

Mainstream Media On The Plank

Speaking of mainstream media, Trump wouldn’t be Trump without giving them a few jabs. He spoke of how dishonest the media were when it came to the coverage of his West Point Military Academy appearance. They didn’t show him on stage speaking with the sun beating down on him, or saluting hundreds of cadets. Mainstream media only showed his descent from the stage on the slippery ramp where he had a little trouble. Trump explained that the ramp had no handrail and was slippery, so he didn’t want to have a crazy tumble that the media would play over and over. He mentioned one President who actually vomited on camera and how the barfing incident was relieved with slow-motion replays.

Overall, the speech was great. Biden took a couple of jabs from Trump during the speech, but nothing too major. Debates between Trump and Biden will be difficult to watch. Like Mike Tyson pummeling a rookie boxer in 1987. An absurd sight to see. But we will all watch. Just as we will all watch Trump roundly defeat Joe Biden in November.

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