Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeHealthWhite Population Declines In The United States For The First Time

White Population Declines In The United States For The First Time

Late-night talk show host Jimmy Fallon introduced the topic of white population decline in the United States and got loud cheering as a response. Fallon probably did not expect that response judging by the confused look on his face. But then again, maybe the topic was brought up because many people in the audience would celebrate the news. The obvious question here is… why does this news trigger a jovial reaction?

According to the US Census, the white population has decreased from about 68% in the year 2000 to below 58% in 2020. This number refers to people who identify as “white only”. Once mixed-race but mostly white people are taken into consideration, the number jumps to about 62%, which is still lower than 68% from the 2000 US Census. The black population has also gotten smaller, but by a smaller percentage of decrease than whites. Blacks have been about 13 to 14 percent of the population in years past, but now that number is at 12.1%. Hispanics are obviously the x-factor here, with very high growth in number. Hispanics were at about 12% in the year 2000 and they are now at nearly 19%.

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The Memo: Fall in white population could add fuel to nativist fire | TheHill

Census Shows White Population Declining As U.S. Diversifies

2020 U.S. census data shows historic decline of non-Hispanic white population | Mshale

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