A transgender woman recorded an incident of “misgendering” that happened at a fast-food establishment after they paid for a meal. The trans person admittedly used a card with a masculine name on it. And when the employee taking the card referred to the trans person as “sir”, that’s when everything fell apart. Since the trans person now identifies as a woman, “they” wish to be referred to as a woman. The manager eventually comes out to try and smooth over the situation. He used “proper” pronouns and everything. But something wasn’t quite clicking.
This “misgendering” fiasco appears to be nothing more than a cry for attention. When the manager attempted to ask what the person identifies as so they could use the proper pronouns, the trans person refused. If there was an issue with misgendering then the offended person should offer up the correct way to go forward. Since this did not happen but the cameras kept rolling, one can only assume attention is what they were seeking. The next clue is that the trans person asked the manager what they assume when they look at “her” when it comes to gender identity. If misgendering was a problem then it doesn’t make sense to ask the manager to assume. If the wrong assumption is made, then the misgendering issue is not resolved.
The manager was essentially forced to state the obvious, that the trans person looks like a man. This prompted the trans person to swing the camera away from the fast-food manager and onto themselves. As if to garner support and sympathy from the “audience” watching TikTok (which is where the original video was uploaded by the trans person). The actual result is that the overwhelming majority of people would understand why this person was referred to as a man.
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