Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeBlack CommunityBlack Democrat FORCED OUT Of Party After Endorsing Trump!

Black Democrat FORCED OUT Of Party After Endorsing Trump!

Vernon Jones, a black male Democrat State Rep from Georgia, was forced out of his party after he publicly endorsed Donald Trump for President. Jones resigned just about one week later. This decision came after much criticism online and off – including a direct reprimand from the head of the Georgia Democratic Party. Jones even disclosed that his family had been targets of harassment and threats of violence.

Of course, none of what happened to him comes as a surprise considering the “plantation politics” which is rampant in the Democratic party. “Leaving the plantation” is a phrase that black Democrats commonly use when they leave the party. Back in slavery days, it was illegal to read. If you gained education, then it would be easier for you to escape or negotiate your freedom. You could say the same for the Democratic party. Education is the enemy which is why issues like school choice are a big no-no.

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All of the reasons Vernon Jones gave as to why he supports Trump should be things that the black community desires. Lowest black unemployment rate in recorded history. First Step Act – freeing majority black people from jail. Jones, a graduate from an HBCU, especially appreciated Trump for giving more funding to Historically Black Colleges & Universities.

Of course, race had to get brought up here. Critics say that Jones just wants to kiss up to the white man and gain his approval. But the reality is that there are two white men running for President. One who locked black people up in Biden and one who is freeing them in Trump. Joe Biden wrote the 1994 crime bill and is unapologetic. Trump is reversing the negative affects the crime bill had on the black community.

So who is the coon, or “uncle tom” (a hero to those that read), or a sellout? A lot of projecting may be happening here. Vernon Jones is a man of conviction. A life-long Democrat that dared to think out of the box and peek outside the proverbial plantation. Jones should be applauded for being honest rather than allowing himself to be blinded by the wool of partisanship. Unfortunately, much of the black community and the Democratic party as a whole don’t quite see it that way.

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One thing is for certain, though. People are watching all of this play out. The Democratic Party in Georgia may have succeeded in removing a man that they don’t quite like. But that is just one battle and the war is just starting. When election time rolls around in November – the effects of said war will be clear and it will be obvious that the Democrats have lost.

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