Charlamange, host of the popular radio show “The Breakfast Club”, recently went on a tirade against Barack Obama over his friendly behavior toward Donald Trump. Presidents Trump & Obama had a conversation during Jimmy Carter’s funeral that turned quite a few heads due to how comfortable and pleasant they appeared with each other.
There were several moments during their talk in which both sides appeared to smile and laugh. This was a stark contrast to everyone’s behavior toward Kamala Harris. Jill Biden sat directly next to Kamala and gave her an icy cold shoulder. Nobody came up to Kamala and spoke to her, yet Trump had the attention of everyone in the room, including former Vice President Mike Pence.
Charlamagne’s issue is with how well Trump was received despite the constant negative media coverage. Much of leftist media and a large percentage of leftist politicians referred to President Trump as every negative and scary political name under the sun such as “fascist” and “racist.” These labels appear to be nothing more than marketing to convince Americans to vote for Democrats instead of Republicans. Charlamagne appears to be figuring this obvious factoid out in real time.