Sunday, January 19, 2025
HomeOpinionCorny AOC Tees Get Trashed by Critics

Corny AOC Tees Get Trashed by Critics

This Christmas, you can give the perfect virtue signaling gift to the Leftist in your life by none other than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Does your loved one hate capitalism? You’ll want to put the Tax the Rich sweatshirt under your tree, available for $65. Watch your loved one’s eyes light up with joy as they also advocate for you to pay more taxes. Consider this the gift that keeps on giving.

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</–end satire–/>

All jokes aside, the hypocrisy is strong with AOC, who stands to make a few bucks on a new line of clothes expressing anti-capitalist, far-Left views. (Just check the Green New Deal collection. My question is whether any of these items are actually “green” in environmental quality. At least they’re made in the USA. Someone please look into this.)

Does anyone else see the irony in operating a business that also denounces capitalism? And what about the people who can’t afford these rather expensive items? I guess when you earn a six-figure income being a congresswoman, you forget what “expensive” is. Whoops.

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Honestly, $65 for a single sweatshirt isn’t what we’d call affordable for a person riddled with student loan debt, systematic oppression and a sub-$15 an hour job in the middle of a pandemic — the very audience AOC seeks to empower. It appears we’ve missed the demographic mark if there ever were one. But what’s more costly than these slogan tees and stickers is the notion that democratic socialism will solve our nation’s problems. It’s not the item but the idea that’s expensive.

Don’t get it twisted. Capitalism is part of what of what makes America great and prosperous. It’s obvious since apparently it was a good enough idea for this congresswoman. If AOC wants to make a living in this manner, then she’s well within her right to do so. But maybe that glorious payday will change her mind on the policies she promotes.

Now if you’re interested in pro-capitalism, pro-America apparel, you’ll surely find some stocking stuffers over at the ABL Store.

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