Thursday, March 13, 2025
HomeBlack CommunityPortland Mayor Tear Gassed While Pledging Support For "Protesters!"

Portland Mayor Tear Gassed While Pledging Support For “Protesters!”

The Mayor of Portland, Oregon, Ted Wheeler, was tear-gassed while pledging his unwavering support for all of the so-called “protesters” out in the streets who have been rioting every night for the better part of two months. When Wheeler tried to vocally show his support for the rioters of Portland, he was routinely shouted down. One of the “protesters” even held up a police-style hat over his head while he was speaking, to identify him as part of law enforcement. The Mayor of Portland also doubles as Police Commissioner which is probably a relic from the old gold-rush days.

Ted Wheeler has consistently rejected support from the Federal Government, insisting that local law enforcement has things under control in Portland. Anyone on the outside looking in would say that the Mayor’s comments don’t add up to what’s happening on the ground. Riots have raged on for weeks with no real sign of slowing down. Wheeler’s denial of external help appears to be nothing more than political posturing.

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Insurrectionist Mayors

It’s a shame to see the Mayor of a major U.S. city side with groups of people that would like nothing more than to see the city descend into permanent chaos. “Black Lives Matter” appears to be the phrase and entry point that left-coast insurrectionists use. The ultimate purpose of these people is to destroy the government and rebuild it in their own image.

Lori Lightfoot of Chicago and Bill de Blasio of New York City are no different than Ted Wheeler and also Jenny “From the Block” Durkan of Seattle Washington. They all despise Trump and the federal government so much that they are forsaking the innocent civilians of their city who are pleading for help. These so-called “leaders” of major cities would love nothing more than to block President Trump’s “Operation Legend.”

Blinding Pride

Operation Legend is named after a four-year-old boy by the name of Legend Taliaferro who was shot and killed while sleeping. The objective of the operation is to send federal troops to cities with high spikes in crime like Portland, New York, Chicago, Kansas City, and more. Rioters who masquerade as “Black Lives Matter protesters” don’t want that to happen because many of them would get caught up in the law enforcement dragnet, and rightfully so. Far-leftist extremist mayors don’t want that to happen either because if successful, then credit must be given to Trump and the federal government.

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Trump’s commitment to preserve the lives of innocent people is an important thing that those with ulterior motives want to prevent from happening. All because of politics, and it’s a shame!


Portland mayor tear gassed after speaking with protesters on presence of federal agents – CNN

Portland’s mayor tear-gassed by US agents as protest rages

President Trump to send federal agents to Chicago as part of ‘Operation Legend’ to help local cops, not patrol Portland-style – Chicago Sun-Times

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