Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeHealthUPDATE On Arizona Fish Tank Couple: WIFE is in Trouble!

UPDATE On Arizona Fish Tank Couple: WIFE is in Trouble!

The wife (widow) of an Arizona man who died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate to prevent COVID-19 is now under investigation for murder. Wanda Lenius prepared a “cocktail” of about four teaspoons of chloroquine phosphate (also known as fish tank cleaner) and soda to ward off the virus.

She claims that they both took the drug. Gary Lenius, the husband, died shortly afterward. Mrs. Leinus wound up in the ICU. It is not clear if Wanda Lenius took the same drug her husband took or what amount she took. While still in the hospital, Wanda told media that they had taken the drug because Donald Trump touted it on television.

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To put it in her words “he basically said it was a cure” and “you can’t trust anything that he says.”

Trump did not mention fish tank cleaner or chloroquine phosphate during any press briefings. The President spoke of hydroxychloroquine, a well-known drug that has been around since World War 2. Trump also spoke of the drug being in medical trials, administered by healthcare professionals.

The original story broken by local Arizona news reported that Wanda and Gary saw a drug with chloroquine in the name on their refrigerator. And that’s the drug the couple took.

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A narrative of two Trump supporters led astray by Trump unfolded in the media. But as the weeks progress, a different reality begins to unfold. It has been discovered that Wanda Lenius is a “prolific” Democratic donor.

Why would a well-known Democratic donor trust President Donald Trump with their life? In February, Wanda donated to a “pro-science resistance” PAC called the 314 Action Fund. The PAC has been a huge vocal critic against the administration – and especially President Trump himself – in relation to the COVID-19 response. So why would she take medical “advice” from Trump in late March? Mrs. Lenius is obviously not a Donald Trump supporter.

None of the facts add up so far.

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The now-deceased Gary Lenius was no moron. He was a mechanical engineer who worked for years in his field. Friends have come forward and said that Gary would never do such a foolish thing like drink fish tank cleaner. Neither Gary or Wanda had any symptoms of COVID-19. That means that there was no purpose in them taking any kind of drug. Especially one that is obviously not meant for human consumption.

The most likely scenario here is that Wanda poisoned her husband Gary. Wanda has a charge of domestic abuse stemming from an incident in the past. The relationship between the two of them was rocky at best. All signs point to this incident being intentional. The wife (now widow) attempted to kill two birds with one stone.

Killing her husband (allegedly) and then hurting the President’s reputation.

First, Mrs. Lenius obviously did not have a good relationship with her husband. This much is a documented fact. So it is not outside of the realm of possibility for her to have hurt him with poison. Second, there could be a deep hatred for the President. Soon after Wanda was admitted to ICU, she gave a political statement. She donated to anti-Trump, anti-conservative PACs before the poisoning incident.

This entire episode is shameful, to say the least. Wanda Lenius might go down in history as Jussie Smollett 2.0. Or are we at 10.0 at this point? But maybe not. Jussie Smollett did try to initiate a race riot, but at least nobody got hurt. Now someone has been killed (allegedly).

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