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Colin Kaepernick Inks New Deal with DISNEY; Will Produce Content Based On His Life

Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick has inked a new production deal with the Disney Corporation. Kaepernick’s production company Ra Vision Media and Disney will collaborate on a variety of original programming based on Kaepernick’s life. Former ESPN host and current writer for the Atlantic, Jemele Hill, will be the lead on production. Completed works from the deal will air on ESPN, The Disney Channel, Pixar, Hulu, and The Undefeated.

Boss Of All Bosses

Disney Executive Director (formerly CEO) Bob Iger released a statement that reads, in part: “During this unprecedented time, The Walt Disney Company remains committed to creating diverse and inclusive content that resonates and matters.” The Disney Corporation has also promised to staff production with minorities to showcase their talent.

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Kaepernick is becoming a social-justice mogul off of the football field. In 2017, he allegedly inked a book deal worth at least one million dollars. His brand deal with NIKE from his playing days is still active. Actually, the NIKE deal is active now more than ever. Kaepernick’s playing days did not bring him as much attention as he has now as a social-justice warrior. Now, there is the big deal with Disney that he can add to his portfolio.

Where’s The Money?

It’s not clear how much Kaepernick’s partnership with Disney is worth from a dollars and cents point of view. What is clear is that Kaepernick has no incentive to play NFL football anymore. One can safely assume that NFL money, at this point, pales in comparison to Disney Corporation money.

ESPN and other networks still run segments where they pontificate about where Kaepernick will end up. Not as it relates to what he’s actually doing nowadays, and has been doing for the past few years post-football. Quite the contrary. They still think he has a desire, or a need to play NFL football. For what?

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Add Up The Numbers

Kaepernick is thirty-two years old and he’ll be thirty-three in November. For a 6’4″ 220+ pound running quarterback, to make it to 33 is unheard of. If a quarterback of his size and type is in the NFL, they are not making big money. Cam Newton is around that size and just turned 31. He signed a one-year veteran minimum of just over one million with the New England Patriots. Newton is an all-around better player than Kaepernick ever was, even now.

Why would Kaepernick risk his health, permanently, for one million dollars, when he has signed several deals that became available *because* he is not playing football? It does not make any sense. The most he will do is pretend to desire to play football. He won’t make it and he’ll use that a reason why he’s oppressed and a victim. That will be a cycle he continues to finagle until it’s no longer believeable.

What’s The Reality?

Kaepernick’s story is not one of oppression. He grew up in a nice, white family in the United States. He was adopted, yes, but that only fuels his internal issues that caused him to become a social justice warrior. A comfortable lane opened up for Kaepernick and that’s where he is. To think that he’ll take the next exit and go do something else simply does not make dollars, or sense.

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Colin Kaepernick, Disney announce partnership deal

The Walt Disney Company Announces Overall First-Look Deal with Colin Kaepernick – ESPN Press Room U.S.

Jemele Hill to produce ESPN docuseries about Colin Kaepernick as part of his Disney deal | Fox News

NFL Network’s Jim Trotter: How team interested in quarterback Colin Kaepernick reacted to his July 4 tweet

Here are the reported details of Cam Newton’s contract |

Colin Kaepernick on Twitter: “Happy 4th of july everyone I hope everyone has a blessed day” / Twitter

Colin Kaepernick on Twitter: “Black ppl have been dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized + terrorized by America for centuries, & are expected to join your commemoration of “independence”, while you enslaved our ancestors. We reject your celebration of white supremacy & look forward to liberation for all. ✊🏾” / Twitter

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