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College Professor Fired For Black Student Performance Comments

An adjunct professor at Georgetown Law was fired after her “reprehensible” comments about black student performance hit the internet. Professor Sandra Sellers was speaking to her colleague, Professor David Batson, on what appears to be a zoom call. Apparently, the zoom call was recorded and uploaded without the knowledge of Sellers and Batson. Once the call made the rounds around Georgetown Law and then hit the general public, pressure began to mount toward firing the professor in question. Sellers was fired although she told administrators she planned on resigning.

Allegations of racism were immediately lobbed at the professor from groups such as the Black Law Student Association. The BLSA not only accused the professor of if not racism, unconscious bias, they also suggested that her grading of black students may be flawed due to her views toward them. Professor David Batson has been placed on administrative leave from Georgetown Law pending an investigation. Batson did not add much to the conversation aside from suggesting that maybe his “unconscious bias” is at work when giving out bad grades to black students.

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Instead of firing the professor in question and subjecting her colleague to some sort of inquisition, maybe some soul-searching is in order. Not necessarily on behalf of the fired professor, but on behalf of the school and the K-12 public education system in the United States. There would probably not be an issue with black students at Georgetown Law School if these students were given a more accurate status of their level of education instead of being coddled like small children.

This type of story relates to another story about the high school senior with a 0.13 grade point average who ranked 62 out of 120 students in his class in Baltimore. The young man’s grade point average is so low that college is completely out of the question. At least not any type of college beyond remedial courses at a Community College. But the problem does not begin and end with obviously underperforming students and schools before college. There is also an issue with high school Valedictorians who can barely read. These kids do not realize that they are functionally illiterate until they reach a serious college program where they struggle and end up at the bottom. That issue is what the professor was speaking of even if she did not know the exact way to articulate it.

What is a solution to the problem? Reform K-12. If students chronically underperform before high school, maybe they should those years at an alternative to grade school such as trade school. Colleges need to stop lowering standards for blacks and Hispanics to gain entry into school with advanced-level course work like Ivy League schools. This would prevent “mismatch” which is a phenomenon where students are placed into colleges that are out of their league. College admission should be about academic performance, not a desire to achieve “wokeness” and diversity. Until those issues are addressed, the problem the fired professor spoke of will continue.

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Georgetown Law Professor Fired After Comments About Black Students – NBC4 Washington

Georgetown law professor fired over remarks about Black students that a dean called “abhorrent” and “reprehensible” – CBS News

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Affirmative action in SAT hurts education standards, minorities – The Daily Evergreen Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It’s Intended to Help, and Why Universities Won’t Admit It eBook: Sander, Richard, Taylor Jr, Stuart: Kindle Store

THOMAS SOWELL: Mismatching students with schools does them no favor – Press Enterprise

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