Saturday, February 15, 2025
HomeCreepy JoeHunter Biden Confirms The Story Big Tech Censored For Months

Hunter Biden Confirms The Story Big Tech Censored For Months

Hunter Biden released a statement that essentially confirms the laptop story that Big Tech outright censored for months. Back in October of this year, right before the November election, The New York Post broke a story concerning the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Allegations of Hunter possessing illicit pictures and engaging in improper financial dealings with foreign nations arose from the laptop.

Apparently, Joe Biden’s son Hunter sent his laptop(s) off to a Delaware repair shop and never picked them up after the repairs were complete. The shop owner got concerned about the contents of the laptop and alerted the proper authorities. The FBI seized the laptop back in December of 2019, but the owner made a copy of its hard drive. Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani somehow obtained a copy of the hard drive in September of 2020 and then gave the New York Post a copy, which they vetted and then published a story on in October.

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Big Tech, including Twitter and Facebook, outright censored the story. The New York Post link wouldn’t even work on Twitter. Facebook “reduced the reach” of the story. Mainstream media came out in full force to label the story as “Russian disinformation.” Even Fox News anchor “Kennedy” attacked Giuliani over the contents of the laptop, comparing the former NYC mayor to Christopher Steele of the infamous “Steele Dossier” fiasco.

But now, the Hunter Biden laptop story is confirmed. Hunter released a statement saying that the US Attorney in Delaware is investigating him over “tax affairs.” The Biden/Harris transition team released a statement essentially echoing that of Hunter, just with a sprinkle of sympathy fishing on top, alleging personal attacks against Hunter have been made over the past few weeks. However, Hunter’s statement does not reveal the full picture of the investigation against him.

CNN and other media outlets, including Politico, say that the investigation into Hunter Biden includes foreign business dealings, especially China. Allegations of illicitly-gained funds from shady business dealings in China arose from evidence on the laptop. There are also allegations of Hunter Biden engaging in human trafficking while in China. Joe Biden is not necessarily the target in the investigation, but by virtue of the allegations, he is the key to everything going on.

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All of the business dealings Hunter Biden engaged in overseas were allegedly orchestrated or done because of Joe Biden. Emails going back and forth between Hunter and foreign business associates are written in sort-of a coded way that implicates Joe as the “silent partner” in some deals. One chain of emails implies that Joe Biden is to get at least 10% of a million-dollar or more deal. Then there is of course the issue of Burisma Holdings.

Hunter landed a spot on the board of Burisma, making upwards of $80,000 in US dollars per month with no experience of what they do, which is oil and gas. Emails between Burisma and Hunter show a clear plea for political help by eliminating the nuisance of a prosecutor by the name of Viktor Shokin. In a matter of months, then Vice-President Joe Biden was in Kyiv Ukraine ordering that Shokin be fired or Ukraine would not get a billion-dollar loan guarantee from the United States. Shokin was fired soon thereafter.

A whistleblower by the name of Tony Bobulinski appeared on Tucker Carlson to speak about his business dealings with both Joe and Hunter Biden. Bobulinski was smeared as a Russian disinformation puppet by large swaths of the mainstream media. He is now vindicated because everything he said about the corruption in the Biden family, and how all of the email evidence was true, is being confirmed on a daily basis. Even the mainstream media cannot keep up with the lie of Hunter being the “good son” anymore.

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Hunter Biden: Federal criminal investigation focuses on his business dealings in China – CNNPolitics

Hunter Biden under federal investigation for possible tax fraud

Giuliani blows up at Fox Business Network’s Kennedy after she questions his Hunter Biden allegations

Tony Bobulinski Tells Tucker Carlson All About The Biden Family | Anthony Brian Logan

UPDATE: Hunter Biden Allegedly Has ILLEGAL PICTURES On His Laptop – YouTube

Facebook AND Twitter Outright CENSOR The Hunter Biden Story! – YouTube

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