A list of 28 places women say they don’t want to visit on the first date has gone viral on social media. A lot of chain restaurants, fast-food joints, and other random locations like the man’s home and family functions were listed. Many people have recorded their reactions with most people turning their nose up at the fact that women could be so picky. There is, however, some validity to the list… depending upon the circumstances. If people live in a small town, in suburbia, or they just happen to be very young… then it may not be possible to do much outside of the list. However, for people in larger cities and those who are established in decent jobs and/or careers, it is not at all unreasonable to select different places for a first date other than what is listed.
Men react to the ’28 places’ women refuse to go on dates – Upworthy
Viral List Names Places Women Will ‘Absolutely Refuse’ to Be Taken on First Date – Men’s Journal
Man Debunks List of Places Women ‘Won’t Go’ to on First Date
Woman sparks debate for listing 28 places she will not go to on a first date | indy100
List Of 28 Places Women Refuse To Go On A First Date