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HomeCreepy JoeNational Guard Kicked Out Of The DC Capitol, Forced Into Nearby Parking...

National Guard Kicked Out Of The DC Capitol, Forced Into Nearby Parking Garage Instead

The National Guard was called to the DC Capitol to help secure the 2021 inauguration. The guard was allowed to stay in the Capitol during shift breaks until recently when they were kicked out and shoved into a nearby parking garage. The garage is pretty cold at night – below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. There was also only one bathroom with two stalls available for all five thousand National Guard in the garage. When the condition of the guard’s quarters was revealed to mainstream media, outrage erupted on both the left and the right of the aisle.

Although the issue has been… “solved” to a certain degree with the guard being let back into the Capitol building, questions still swirl around the initial “banishment” to the parking garage. If there was no issue with guards resting at the Capitol building before, then why did it become an issue later? Was there a specific person or group of people behind the decision to move the guard to the garage? Details of the “who” and why” specifics in relation to the National Guard’s banishment are slim to none.

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In the absence of hard, verifiable facts – rumors begin to spread. Some rumors surrounding the circumstances of soldier’s removal from the Capitol sound likely purely on a surface level value while others make no seen at all. One of the more… believable rumors is that Democratic Congressman Bill Keating spotted a guardsman at the Capitol without his mask. The Congressman allegedly told the unidentified guardsman to put his mask on to which the guard allegedly replied – I like my freedom. Shortly after that, the troop expulsion happened.

Another observation and possible scenario behind the troop “expulsion” can be derived from how the guard was treated even before the inauguration day. Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen appeared on television and said that most of the military are white conservative men, therefore likely Trump supporters, and that they should be vetted before they come to DC. Because, in Cohen’s mind, some of the guards who voted for Trump may try to stage an insider coup. And as a result of Cohen’s ramblings (among others) nearly 25,000 national guardsmen were vetted before the inauguration event. Way to trust patriots who are willing to go all the way for this country.

Since there was already a distrust for the National Guard, then it is not difficult to believe that there is also a lack of respect for them. After all of the photo-ops from Nancy Pelosi and Jill Biden, after all of the “thank you for your service” empty affirmations, it would be nothing for politicians to simply treat the guard like trash and dump them. And it’s really a shame that 25,000 people would be treated this way but this is nothing new for politicians, especially leftists. Many of them feel like they are ivory-tower elite who care not about “low-class worker peons” on the ground floor.

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National Guard Forced to Evacuate Capitol After Alleged Mask Complaint

Lawmakers outraged at images of National Guard sent from Capitol to parking garages – ABC News

Capitol Police acting chief: We didn’t tell National Guard to leave Capitol facilities | WTOP

‘We feel incredibly betrayed’: Thousands of Guardsmen forced to vacate Capitol – POLITICO

DeSantis orders Florida National Guard troops to return home from DC

6,000 National Guard troops will stay in DC for the next 30 days |

National Guard allowed back into Capitol complex after lawmakers erupt at them being banished to parking garage – CNNPolitics

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