Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeMediaRussia Did Not Hit Poland With A Missile, Ukraine Did "By Mistake"

Russia Did Not Hit Poland With A Missile, Ukraine Did “By Mistake”

The Russian Federation did not strike Poland with a missile a day or two ago was erroneously reported by the Associated Press. The missile in question crossed into Polish territory from Ukraine, killing two people near a farm. The initial reporting of Russian involvement set off rumors of a world war starting. Since Poland is a NATO country, any aggression from Russia would theoretically result in a response from all of NATO, including most of Europe and the United States. The story was, of course, inaccurate.

Ukraine actually “accidentally” hit Poland with a missile that is of old Soviet origin (the late 1970s, early 80s). The explanation of the “accidental” hit goes on to say that Ukraine’s missile defense system intercepted (or failed to intercept) a Russian attack. The resulting miss and/or debris from the missile defense is what created the situation where two people in Poland were killed.

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Since Ukraine is not in NATO and their erroneous missile defense resulted in two Polish deaths, that could be considered an act of aggression from Ukraine to Poland. But, of course, that won’t be the case considering the circumstances. They will be given a “pass” because of global favoritism toward them and against Russia. No such grace would be given to the Russian Federation or any of their non-EU and/or non-NATO allies, such as Belarus.


BREAKING: US official now admits blast in Poland caused by stray missile fired by Ukraine | The Post Millennial |

Breaking911 on Twitter: “JUST IN: Biden on reported strike in Poland that killed 2: “It’s unlikely — in the minds of the trajectory — that it was fired from Russia.”” / Twitter

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