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HomeBlack CommunityPolice Officer Hit With Flurry Of Racial Insults On Viral Video

Police Officer Hit With Flurry Of Racial Insults On Viral Video

An unidentified, yet extremely professional officer in Los Angeles County, California was hit with a barrage of racial insults during a traffic stop in a now-viral video. The officer pulled a woman for driving while using her cell phone. The woman in question appears to be black and she identified the officer as “Mexican” although neither one of their identities is actually known. If there was ever such a thing called a “routine” traffic stop, this stop was it. However, the woman in question turned nothing into something and turned a simple ticket into a potential big-time embarrassment.

Driving while using a cell-phone is not really a big-ticket type of offense. If a person gets pulled over for it, they usually get a warning or a small citation. It is not the equivalent to a DUI or any such thing. The officer in question did not present himself in a threatening manner. As mentioned earlier, the traffic stop was about as routine as possible. But the woman who was pulled over decided to take it in a different direction. She first accused the officer of being a “murderer” then she made racist comments about him being “Mexican” and “wanting to be white”.

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The woman in question has been identified by news outlets, but has declined comment on this story. This, of course, if of no surprise because it’s doubtful that anyone would want themselves associated with the terrible behavior caught on the officer’s body camera footage. And by the way, the footage is apparently a result of the officer taking action and procuring his own body camera to wear while on duty. It definitely came in handy because the woman (who has a history of filing false complaints) filed a harassment claim on the officer immediately after this incident. Fortunately for the officer and unfortunately for her, this claim will go nowhere.


Driver calls LA County deputy ‘murderer’ in racist attack caught on video: ‘You’ll never be White’ | Fox News

Video shows racist tirade against LA County deputy during traffic stop in San Dimas – ABC7 Los Angeles

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