Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeCreepy JoeRapper Cardi B Interviews Joe Biden Instead Of Any Real Media!

Rapper Cardi B Interviews Joe Biden Instead Of Any Real Media!

The popular female rapper known as Cardi B interviewed the presumptive 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden for Elle Magazine. The interview was released on the Monday of the Democratic National Convention. The timing of the interview’s release is interesting considering the fact that Joe Biden did not give any Sunday news shows an interview, nor did anyone from his campaign like Kamala Harris.

Hidin’ Biden

Joe Biden is quite obviously hiding from the media because his team would prefer he not answer questions… or at least as few questions as possible. Because every time Biden says anything off-the-cuff on television, he sticks his foot into his mouth and his poll numbers tank. The now-infamous “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” comments came at the tail-end of a fairly lengthy interview with “The Breakfast Club.” Biden hasn’t done a live interview like that since.

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Cardi B is not an intellectual person. She is strictly an entertainer. So for her to interview Joe Biden and not any actual media is quite frankly a slap in the face to Biden’s base. The thought process must be that Biden’s voter base is either unintelligent or uncaring when it comes to what he stands for. Another thought his campaign and the DNC alike may have is that any random popular brown person that young people like will do.

Bumbling Bias

The “Elle Magazine” interview between Cardi B and Joe Biden was about 15 minutes long and heavily edited. Even with all of the editing and attempts to make Joe Biden look good, he still looked horrible. Biden is 77 years old but looks all of 127 years of age. “Elle” didn’t even do a good job of biased editing. They kept in a part where Biden says he has five grandkids when in reality, he has seven grandkids.

The appropriate thing for Biden’s camp to do would have been to appear on Sunday shows to promote the DNC happening this week and also to promote themselves. Instead, Biden’s team simply doubled down on the “hidin’ Biden” strategy. They want to keep Joe in the basement for as long as possible to avoid exposure. And the ultimate goal is to Weekend-At-Bernie’s him through the gates of the White House in January 2021 and if he croaks, they’ll replace him with Kamala Harris.

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Cardi B Talks Police Brutality, COVID-19, and the 2020 Election with Joe Biden | ELLE – YouTube

“The Damnedest Thing I’ve Ever Seen” Chris Wallace On Biden Campaign Not Putting Any Surrogates On Sunday Shows Before Convention | Guy Benson

Biden, Harris blasted by mainstream media for not taking questions from reporters | Fox News

Democratic National Convention kicks off with speakers including Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders – ABC News

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