An unlicensed dentist was arrested in Chicago after it was discovered that she put fake braces on a client’s teeth. Another client reported that his veneers were faulty due to a chipped tooth. Monica Davis has engaged in the same criminal behavior before. She was arrested in Las Vegas in January for practicing dental work for months without a license. Davis was out on bail at the time of the Chicago arrest.
Monica Davis has no Dentistry credentials at all. This fact did not stop her from advertising as a “veneers expert” on social media and renting out an office space to perform dental work. Such behavior is extremely dangerous, as complications with dental procedures can be life-threatening. “Veeneer techs,” as they are called, often take a one-weekend course before working on clients. Actual dentists require eight years of schooling before working as a dentist.
Unlicensed Las Vegas dentist arrested again
Unlicensed dentist charged after leaving Chicago patients with fake braces – CBS Chicago
Unlicensed dentist charged after leaving Chicago area patients with fake braces – YouTube